Golf in Wall is located 40 km north from Berlin.

We offer a  18 Hole Championship Golf Course which is a Par 72 with 6691 Yards and a public 9 hole course.



Our huge training golf area includes a Driving Range, a Chipping and Pitching Area, practise Bunker and two Putting Greens. There is no extra fee for our practise area.

You are welcome to visit us every day of the week.


Our Clubhouse, Pro Shop and Restaurant

is open from Monday to Sunday

from 8am to 8pm.


You can call us at +4933925-71135 or send us a mail at info@golfinwall.de. We speak English and Danish.


We are looking forward seeing you.


09 holes Mo. - Fr. 28/ €
09 holes Sa / So/holidays 35 €
18 holes Mo. - Fr. 45 €
18 holes Sa / So/holidays 59 €
09 holes (public) Mo. - Fr.  20 €
 09 holes (public)  Sa / So / holidays 25 €
Rangefee  per day 0 €
34 Rangeballs   3,00 €
per Club   1 €
half set of clubs incl. Bag 10 €
full set of clubs incl. Bag 15 €
Golf cart 9 holes 17,50 €
Golf cart 18 holes 35 €
Trolley   5 €

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From Berlin: Take the A24 direction Hamburg till junction Kremmen. From Kremmen take the direction to Sommerfeld. In Sommerfeld you take the intersection left to Beetz and then left straight to Wall. The Golf Course is round about 500m in the center of Wall.

From Neuruppin:  Take the A24 direction Berlin till junction Neuruppin Süd. Drive left to Wustrau. In Radensleben you have to drive right,  in the direction of Papsthum, Wall.

For Sat Nav: Choose  „16818 Wall, Brandenburg, Dorfstraße 10". If your nav can´t find Wall choose „16766 Beetz, Brandenburg, Dorfstraße“. This road takes you straight to Wall.